Where can I buy Cuna de Piedra?
You can physically find us in Monterrey Mexico at: Aula Sabor, Unelefante, Bread Baker (Arboleda and Humberto Lobo) and La Mayordemía. But you can always buy online through our website.
Where is Cuna de Piedra produced?
Our cocoa comes from Socousco, Chiapas and Comalcalco, Tabasco, and we process it in Monterrey, Mexico.
How much does a bar cost?
Our 60 gr (2.1 OZ) bars vary between $ 9 and $12 USD
Can I buy a single bar of 35 gr (1.2 IZ)?
We do not sell them separately, only in our box that contains 7, which costs $39 USD
Should I keep my bars in the fridge after opening them?
We do not recommend refrigerating them, but do keep them in environments no hotter than 22 °C (71,6°F).
Does Cuna de Piedra with Mezcal contain alcohol?
No, our products do not contain alcohol.
Does Cuna de Piedra contain any possibly allergenic agents?
Our bars may contain traces of wheat, soy, milk, nuts, eggs and peanuts.
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